The Ways to Approach The Research Gap In a Wide Literature

Before you acknowledge the ways to approach the research gap, you should know what is meant by a research gap. The research gap is a research question or problem which has not been answered in the prevailing literature of the subject. Research gap is the sole reason for you to conduct the research. While it is hard for researchers to identify the gap in the study, it is the reason that makes your research publishable as you are not duplicating research and providing an answer to a gap in the literature.

Identifying the gap and generating a research question is regarded as the first and most crucial step for your research because without the gap in the literature what will the researcher fill. The researcher may find numerous gaps in the study, but he has to consider the importance and the originality of the gap. There are many approaches for a researcher to find the research gap, but the main idea is to find a unique and innovative research gap. Let us now look at a few ways to approach the research gap :

  • The first and easiest way to come in a researcher’s mind will be to read specific parts of the articles in your field of study. There may be hundreds of articles in your area to study, but you have to find the most suitable ones. Examine the parts of an article which have a proper introduction and conclusion to know where the researcher has lacked information.
  • The next thing a researcher must go through is a systematic review of the literature. The systematic review of the literature burrow deep in the literature and examine the trends and changes in it. The content analysis report and the citation analysis report will help the researcher further to find a different gap.
  • Another way to approach the gap is to read the key journals of your subject. The journals have a key concept section which aims to assist the audience of the journal since every researcher finds a gap considering the audience in his mind. Your target audience is important when you are finding a gap in the literature to do justice to your research question and let people appreciate the findings done by you.

When finding a unique literature gap in your study, you can conduct successful research to bring growth to your academic career.

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