How to Proofread your Essay: 7 Tips

It will probably be the biggest blunder of submitting your PhD thesis but then noticing grammar mistakes and errors. For any student, it is quite tricky to spot the subtle mistakes in grammar, punctuations and spellings; if he/she is not a pro at it. Hence, before you submit it is imperative to proofread your work, since quality determines the credibility or your research report. Remember, the most recognized universities are defined by its quality students and through their papers and essay that they submit.

Read the Essay once again with a Fresh Mind

After you have finished writing the essay, leave 24 hours before you re-read your report. You should review your work with a fresh and clear mind. This will help you assess your write-up.

Avoid all kinds of Distractions

While you proofread your thesis, you need to be in a focused mind, and to ensure so turn off your television or music system.

Make sure to double-space your work

Always double space your work so that you can proof-read on the monitor and get print outs to help you edit the work cautiously.

Use a bookmark or a ruler

Using a bookmark or ruler will help you understand at what point you have reached the study, so that even if you take a break in between you will know from where to continue.

Read the work loud

Read out each sentence loudly. In this way, you can hear what you have written loud and discreet that will help you notify if a sentence is not making sense or you need to rectify any mistake.

Re-check the sources

Do cross-check all the sources that you have referred in the PhD thesis. Do not miss the names of authors in your bibliography or date of any source.

Hire help of a Professional

If you want your work to be perfect and free of any mistakes, proof-read it by an expert. A professional will handle the job with expertise.

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